Thursday, November 24, 2016

Project Progress (Week 11 Reflection)

Here is a link to the standards I've selected for my experimental bookbinding project.  My ultimate goal is to create a wifi-connected book, using a Photon microcontroller, that I'll begin constructing in January.

This week, I continued to experiment with code by adding a function that makes an LED flicker like a candle or fireplace.  This function will only be called when a light sensor registers that it's cloudy or dark outside.

Here are a couple screenshots of the Arduino code that I adapted for use on my Photon.  The thing I'm most proud of is that I figured out how to apply a For Loop in the Particle function I created that allows an LED to flicker for a reasonable amount of time--enough to get a point across--without flickering non-stop.  I've since merged the code written below into the larger program that I've been working on.

I've also been experimenting with conductive fabrics and tapes this week, to find a material that might be useful for a book hinge.  Although I had some mixed results, I'm not entirely certain that I'll be able to solder copper tape to the fabric without it scorching.

Lastly, I've begun experimenting with Inkscape, in an attempt to start brainstorming what my wooden covers might end up looking like.

The following image was my first attempt, but I've already discovered some problems with the design.

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